Why Business Matters to God: And What Still Needs to be Fixed

Business as Mission

Publisher: Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press

Author: Van Duzer, Jeff. 2010

ISBN-13: 978-0830838882

This is an excellent book outlining the theology of business. Van Duzer argues that business has intrinsic value to God, not just instrumental value (that is providing money for the church). He holds that “the Christian in business is in the business of rendering service that will enable humanity to flourish.” P. 48 However, he is a realist who seeswhere business is broken by the fall of man. In the chapter “Putting it Back Together”, he outlines the redemptive work of Jesus and how business must concern itself with redemptive work as well as creative work. He provides several theoretical ways of looking at business and concludes with a framework of business that serves and is sustainable and supportive. If I have one criticism of this book it is that it is mostly theoretical. However, understanding business theoretically (which all MBA programs seek to teach) then becomes a basis for determining right practices.