The Fine Print

While we want to make this site accessible and user friendly, we also are concerned about each member’s security. Please read our Terms of Service for a full version of your agreement in joining this site. These Terms of Service constitute a binding agreement between you and Business 4 Blessing Alliance (B4B) and are considered accepted by you and in force any time you use or access any B4B site or service.

We would like to give you a short version here:

    1. Please make sure you read our values as we expect that each person and organization agrees and understands that biblical values are the foundation of B4B.

    2. When using the forum or other communication you agree to be respectful and honest in your communication.

    3. When you fill out a profile, join as an individual or as an organization, you agree to be honest in what you put on your form.

    4. You agree to respect other’s privacy and not try to contact another member outside of the B4B site unless one of our managers has arranged the contact.

    5. We own the content on this site. You are welcome to download the free resources or site content for your own reading, but not to distribute them without express written permission. This includes the pictures and graphics on the site as well as all content that belongs to B4B.

    6. We all do our best to be accurate in what we say and do. However, there are no guarantees that the information given in forums is correct. People have their own opinions. Therefore, when you use the site, it is “as is” without warranties.

    7. You are prohibited from violating the security of the site or posting content of other sites.

    8. Violation of this agreement will result in your being banned from the site.
Read the full TERMS OF SERVICE